Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness,
but instead expose them.
-Ephesians 5:11
A closer look at DEWORMING
Deworming in the Philippines 2015
According to the DOH calendar, deworming began in the 1st quarter and shall be repeated by the 2nd quarter. http://www.doh.gov. ph/annual_calendar.html
Deworming came to Filipinos’ attention after 300 children were hospitalised last early August 2015. They were part of a government program conducted in Zamboanga province that is just part of a bigger campaign that aims to deworm 16 Million children.
"300 mag-aaral nalason sa purga ng DOH"http://www.philstar.com/ probinsiya/2015/07/30/1482375/ 300-mag-aaral-nalason-sa- purga-ng-doh
16 Million?
Why so many? Why simultaneously? Why parasitic infection in particular? Could there be a parallel objective to this DOH campaign other than a sincere intent to keep the children free from gastro-intestinal parasites?
DOH: Deworming Drive targets 16M childrenhttp://www.sunstar. com.ph/manila/local-news/2015/ 07/29/doh-deworming-drive- targets-16m-children-421618
Linking Deworming to a conspiracy for effective mass sterilization is difficult. Considering that the theory is true, Deworming-Sterilization link is conveniently hiding behind the shadow of a noble humanitarian cause of improving the health of millions in 3rd. world countries, neatly tucked in and untraceable. Almost.
Deworming was done In India too
Feb. 21, 2015 was "Deworming Day"
Mass School-Based Deworming Launched In Delhi, India http://www. schoolsandhealth.org/News/ Pages/Mass%20School-Based% 20Deworming%20Launched%20In% 20Delhi,%20India.aspxIt won’t hurt if we take a closer look and ask WHY the government needs a mass deworming program….
There are International organizations behind it
Here's an example:
" The Deworm the World Initiative (DtWI), led by Evidence Action, advocates for, supports, and evaluates government-run school-based deworming programs. (evidenceaction.org/deworming)
Does it work? We believe that deworming is a program backed by relatively strong evidence. We also believe that DtWI raises the probability that government-run deworming programs go forward. This view is based on highly limited evidence; mostly conversations with Indian state government officials and the fact that DtWI has been involved in most statewide deworming programs currently operating in India as well as the new national deworming day. We further think that the deworming programs in which DtWI is involved are reasonably well executed, although our view is based on monitoring reports collected by DtWI, in which we have limited confidence. DtWI has made recent changes to its monitoring process that it believes addresses some of our concerns. DtWI shared information about those programs in November 2014 and we will update this review when we have finished evaluating it. (more) http://www.givewell.org/ international/top-charities/ deworm-world-initiative
Questioning the need for deworming
"Should Deworming Policies in the Developing World be Reconsidered?
The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends periodic drug treatment to deworm all children living in areas where soil-transmitted helminths are endemic. This usually involves treatment either once or twice a year using drugs that are effective against a number of different parasitic worms. This recommendation is based upon evidence that soil-transmitted helminths have a significant impact on the growth and development of children and affect childrens’ cognitive development and long-term economic prospects. However, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Cochrane Library by David Taylor-Robinson and colleagues raises questions about some of the evidence that supports this policy. Here Paul Garner, an author of the study, discusses why policy makers should think carefully about deworming policies in the developing world.
"Deworming: not all it’s cracked up to be?
We knew that there are strong advocates for deworming, and we suspected, from the earlier analyses we had done, that the evidence may not be as strong as the sell.
And sell is what is going on: deworming looks like a wonder cure for poverty. The World Health Organization (WHO) say these deworming drugs (usually albendazole or mebendazole) mean that school age children can “earn their way out of poverty” through substantial impacts on intellectual development and cognition. WHO also argue that deworming drugs contribute to child survival, help promote gender equality and empower women, although WHO confuse their argument by conflating the evidence between different helminth infections. Nevertheless, a policy of deworming the intestinal helminths has some very influential supporters from all over the world backing it, including Nobel Laureates.
We also found some surprises: a trial published in the British Medical Journal reported that deworming led to better weight gain in a trial of more than 27,000 children, but in fact the statistical test was wrong and in reality the trial did not detect a difference. We found a trial that examined school performance in 2659 children in Vietnam that did not demonstrate a difference on cognition or weight that has never been published even though it was completed in 2006. We also note that a trial of 1 million children from India, which measured mortality and data collection completed in 2004, has never been published. This challenges the principles of scientific integrity. However, I heard within the last week that the authors do intend to get the results into the public domain-which is where it belongs.
Deworming schoolchildren to rid them of intestinal helminths seems a good idea in theory, but the evidence for it just doesn’t stack up. We want policy makers to look at the evidence and the message and consider if deworming is as good as it is cracked up to be." http://blogs.plos.org/ speakingofmedicine/2012/07/18/ should-deworming-policies-in- the-developing-world-be- reconsidered/
"Educational benefits of deworming children questioned by re-analysis of flagship study
"Deworming children may not improve school attendance and the evidence that informs international policy needs to be re-appraised following a major re-analysis by researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.”http://www. sciencedaily.com/releases/ 2015/07/150723083729.htm
Q: What has having worm infection have
to do with vaccines?
A: A lot. Having parasitic worms impacts
the efficacy of vaccines.
"Effects of parasitic worms on the immune system (Wiki)
Vaccination - In the journal Parasite Immunulogy, Dr. Kamal et al. explains that parasitic worms often weaken the immune system's ability to effectively respond to a vaccine because such worms induce a Th2-biased immune response that is less responsive than normal to antigens.[19] This is a major concern in developing countries where parasitic worms and the need for vaccinations exist in large number.[19] It may explain why vaccines are often ineffective in developing countries.[19]" https://en.m. wikipedia.org/wiki/Effects_of_ parasitic_worms_on_the_immune_ system#Vaccination
"Deworming the world
During the 1980s, several oral drugs that were originally developed for veterinary use were discovered to cure, in a single dose, most human helminth infections. This allowed the first systematic population-based studies of the morbid sequelae of chronic worm infection and their potential reversibility after treatment. Based on these studies, we now know that almost all infected children and many adults, particularly pregnant and lactating women, suffer adverse effects from worms, including growth stunting, anemia, decreased cognitive development, and poor birth outcomes as well as poor school and work performance. Worm-infected people also respond less well to vaccinations" http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC3715900/
Vaccines can be laced with sterilizing agents
A number of reliable references prove this.
UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents Scientist Finds https://www.lifesitenews. com/news/unicef-nigerian- polio-vaccine-contaminated- with-sterilizing-agents- scientis
Kenya’s Catholic Church claims UN-sponsored tetatus vaccines cause “mass sterilization” http://www. ibtimes.co.uk/kenya- catholic-church-claims-un- sponsored-tetanus-vaccines- cause-mass-sterilisation- 1488667
Catholic doctors speak: Tetanus vaccination campaign is all about
population control http://www.matercare. org/news-publications/medical- news/catholic-doctors-speak- tetanus-vaccination-campaign- is-all- about-population-control/
Are New Vaccines Laced With Birth-Control Drugs? http://educate- yourself.org/vcd/ vcdvaccineslacedwithbirthcontr ol.shtml
Tdap Shot Pushed on Pregnant Women Despite Fetal Risks
"The truth is that the Tdap shot has never been proven safe for use during pregnancy. In fact, Tdap is classified by the FDA as a Class C drug. The definition of a Class C drug which is how the Tdap shot is classified:
Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks.” ://www. thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/ tdap-vaccine-pushed-on- pregnant-women-despite-fetal- risks/?utm_campaign=shareaholi c&utm_medium=facebook&utm_ source=socialnetwork
This World Health Organization (WHO) link should be of help - alas it is down. But look at the article title: "Fertility Regulating Vaccines"
"Fertility Regulating Vaccines ibdoc.who.int - World Health ...whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/1993/ WHO_HRP_WHO_93.1.pdfFertility Regulating Vaccines. Report of a meeting between women's health advocates and scientists to review the current status of the development of fertility ... (unfortunately this WHO link is down)."
“MARY PILAR VERZOSA: I began to suspect that here in the Philippines that’s exactly what’s happening. They have laced the tetanus toxoid vials with the Beta HCG. The only way I could make sure that they hadn’t done that was to examine the vials, and how to get a hold of those vials was going to be a problem. Who was I to collect them from the health centres?
”|MARY PILAR VERZOSA: Oh boy that was really something when this came out of my fax machine. Report on HCG concentration in vaccine vials. Three out of those four vials registered positive for HCG, so my suspicions are affirmed that here in our country they are not only giving plain tetanus toxoid vaccination to our women, they are also giving anti-fertility.”
BBC Television: Horizon, THE HUMAN LABORATORY, AIR DATE 5 November 1995 http://www.oldthinkernews. com/2010/12/09/human- laboratory-documentary- transcript/
You mean ALL vaccines?
"We would like to assure the public that the normal vaccines available in both public and faith based organization in this country are clean. Generally speaking, the faith based medical facilities give the same if not more vaccinations than public institutions.
Our concern and the subject of this discussion is the WHO/UNICEF sponsored tetanus immunization campaign launched last year in October ostensibly to eradicate neonatal tetanus. It is targeted at girls and women between the ages of 14 – 49 (child bearing age) and in 60 specific districts spread all around the country. The tetanus vaccine being used in this campaign has been imported into the country specifically for this purpose and bears a different batch number from the regular TT."
"Giving five doses of tetanus vaccination every 6 months is not usual for the recommended regime for tetanus vaccination. The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992."
"WHO conducted massive vaccinations campaigns using the tetanus vaccine laced with HCG in Mexico in 1993 and Nicaragua and Philippines in 1994 ostensibly to eradicate neonatal tetanus. The campaign targeted women aged 14 – 49 years and each received a total of 5 injections."
Catholic Doctors Speak: Tetanus Vaccination campaign is all about population control. ://www.matercare.org/ news-publications/medical- news/catholic-doctors-speak- tetanus-vaccination-campaign- is-all-about-population- control/
Example of how a sterility-causing vaccine work
"When tetanus is laced with HCG and administered in five doses every 6 months, the woman develops antibodies against both the tetanus and the HCG in 2 – 3 years after the last injection. Once a mother develops antibodies against HCG, she rejects any pregnancy as soon as it starts growing in her womb thus causing repeated abortions and subsequent sterility." Catholic Doctors Speak: Tetanus Vaccination Campaign Is All About Population Control. http://www.matercare. org/news-publications/medical- news/catholic-doctors-speak- tetanus-vaccination-campaign- is-all-about-population- control/
USAID in the sterilization picture
Of course they are.
"USAID Funding of Sterilisation Camps in India
Earlier this week, we released a report outlining some of the horrors of India’s sterilization camps. We called the world’s attention to the US Agency for International Development’s complicity in coercive sterilization camps in India. Among the evidence was a report published by the OECD describing a multi-million dollar program by USAID to reduce fertility in India.” https://www.pop.org/ content/usaid-funding- sterilization-camps-india-1
But how can Deworming possibly be connected
to population control?
"Maternal and child health: effective entry points for family planning. Author:
Ahmad S
Joicfp Review. 1985 Oct; 10:1-3.
Effective integration of population development policies into national development strategies is universally accepted as a solution to a nation's population problem. Consequently, Bangladesh undertook a maternal and child health-based integrated and multisectoral program to reduce its fertility rate. The Integrated Family Planning, Nutrition and Parasite Control Project is a strategy that can be used to control growth in Bangladesh. Launched in 1979, this project is one of the few that is sponsored by the government of Bangladesh with assistance of JOICFP. The strategy of this approach is to let the family planning field workers gain the respect and confidence of the community members by administering deworming treatment." http://www. popline.org/node/416199
USAID works hand-in-hand with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
A few samples of their partnership:
"USAID AND THE BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION PARTNER WITH MINISTRY OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT TO HELP INDIA ACHIEVE SANITATION FOR ALL” https://www.usaid.gov/ india/press-releases/jan-13- 2015-usaid-and-bill-melinda- gates-foundation-partner- ministry-urban
"Gates Foundation and USAID Announce Innovative Fund to Incentivize Mobile Money Services in Haiti | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" http://www. gatesfoundation.org/Media- Center/Press-Releases/2010/06/ Gates-Foundation-and-USAID- Announce-Innovative-Fund-to- Incentivize-Mobile-Money- Services-in-Haiti
"Innovative Partnership to Deliver Convenient Contraceptives to up to Three Million Women" http://www. gatesfoundation.org/Media- Center/Press-Releases/2012/07/ Innovative-Partnership-to- Deliver-Convenient- Contraceptives-to-up-to-Three- Million-Women
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
"Gates became interested in vaccination in the late 1990s, when immunization rates were falling and vaccines for such common diseases as hepatitis B and yellow fever were in short supply."http://www. chicagotribune.com/sns- celebrity-0125gates-story.html
"12 Reasons to Get Angry about the Gates Foundation’s Latest Project to Sterilise Women.
Last week, Pfizer Inc., the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) announced an agreement to foist the injectable contraceptive, Sayana® Press (medroxyprogesterone acetate or MPA) on women “most in need in 69 of the world’s poorest countries” – certainly an ironic project for a foundation that “invests” in children."http://www.aleteia. org/en/health/article/12- reasons-to-get-angry-about- the-gates-foundations-latest- project-to-sterilize-women- 5776579103817728
"In 2007, two of us, Holden Karnofsky and Elie Hassenfeld (bios), left our jobs, raised $300,000 in startup funds from former coworkers who believed in us and our mission, and started GiveWell as a full-time project."http://www.givewell. org/about/story
"Holden Karnofsky | Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director. Holden graduated from Harvard University in 2003 with a degree in Social Studies, and spent the next several years in the hedge fund industry. He co-founded GiveWell in mid-2007.
Elie Hassenfeld | Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director. Elie graduated from Columbia University in 2004 with a degree in Religion, and spent the next several years in the hedge fund industry. He co-founded GiveWell in mid-2007." http://www. givewell.org/about/people
Good Ventures and GiveWell
"GiveWell is a public charity whose mission is to find outstanding giving opportunities and publish the full details of its analysis to help donors decide where to give. Good Ventures is a philanthropic foundation whose mission is to help humanity thrive. Cari Tuna, the co-founder of Good Ventures, is a member of GiveWell's Board of Directors.”http://www. givewell.org/about/official- records/board-meeting-19/ givewell-and-good-venture
"A Facebook Co-Founder and His Wife Use Effective Altruism to Shape Giving
Effective altruism is still a niche movement, made up primarily of a small number of philosophers, techies, and financiers who structure their work or their giving—or both—to achieve the most good possible. But it’s a niche that happens to include a young couple who may eventually give away billions of dollars. Dustin Moskovitz, a co-founder of Facebook, and his wife, Cari Tuna, are organizing their foundation, Good Ventures, to adopt the principles of effective altruism." ://philanthropy. com/article/Young-Technology- Couple-Is/154099
"Full Transparency: Deworm the World Initiative’s Grant from Good Ventures
Good Ventures provided $1.5 million to Deworm the World Initiative at Evidence Action, based on GiveWell’s recommendation of Deworm the World as a top charity for 2013. These funds were donated by Good Ventures to “cover around 75% of the minimum level of funding that GiveWell would like to see its recommended charities raise during the 2013 giving season.” /www.evidenceaction. org/blog-full/full- transparency-deworm-the-world- initiatives-grant-from-good- ventures
GiveWell and Good Ventures are connected to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
"Today, I’m excited to report that we’ve selected our first project to co-fund: an effort in Myanmar to contain and eliminate growing drug resistance to the highly effective antimalarial medication artemisinin. We’re contributing $1 million to this project, which is being carried out by Population Services International (PSI) and was recommended to us by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."
"Discussions with the Gates Foundation
Among the first foundations we approached about co-funding was the Gates Foundation. The Gates Foundation is the largest and one of the best-known foundations in the world, and it’s one of the few foundations we know of that spends a large proportion of its budget on global health, which we consider a particularly promising issue area (for reasons described well in this GiveWell blog post).
After an initial meeting with leaders from the Gates Foundation’s global health program in September 2011, we asked to learn more about three specific areas in which the Gates Foundation works: malaria, tuberculosis (TB) and nutrition. We chose these areas based on GiveWell’s list of particularly proven and cost-effective interventions. (We also sought information on immunization from the Gates Foundation; however, we did not discuss specific co-funding opportunities in this area. We felt we had ample opportunities to explore neglected tropical diseases separately.)" http:// www.goodventures.org/research- and-ideas/blog/co-funding- with-the-gates-foundation
GiveWell Funds Deworming efforts
"The Deworm the World Initiative, led by Evidence Action, is one of our top-rated charities, and an organization that we feel offers donors an outstanding opportunity to accomplish good with their donations." http://www. givewell.org/international/ top-charities/deworm-world- initiative
GiveWell is in SEA
(Deworm The World Initiatives, led by Evidence Action, is one of GiveWell's top-rated charities)
"Is there room for more funds? DtWI has told us that it has a funding gap of $1.3 million for 2015 and 2016. DtWI seeks unrestricted funds to evaluate new evidence-based programs that leverage deworming, as well as support direct deworming scaleup, particularly in new countries in Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa."
Could GiveWell be helping funding Deworming in RP? Yes.
“$509,000 – expansion into new countries (2015 and 2016). This includes preliminary work in Ethiopia, Indonesia, Philippines to support possible future work and $104,000 for prevalence surveys and technical assistance to the government and partner organization in Vietnam.” http://blog. givewell.org/2014/11/21/ deworm-the-world-initiative- led-by-evidence-action-update/
Partnerships: USAID, Gates Foundation, UNFPA
"The partnership includes the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Pfizer, PATH, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Initial countries interested in taking part include Senegal and Nigeria." http://www. gatesfoundation.org/Media- Center/Press-Releases/2012/07/ Innovative-Partnership-to- Deliver-Convenient- Contraceptives-to-up-to-Three- Million-Women
Deworm first, then vaccinate
"Since any vaccine trial that does not control for worm infections could be flawed, neglected tropical disease control should be linked with big three vaccine development efforts, such as those sponsored by the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative ( http://www.iavi.org), the Malaria Vaccine Initiative (http://www.malariavaccine.org ), and the Aeras Global Tuberculosis Vaccine Foundation (http://www.aeras.org). Deworm ing prior to vaccination may also become a key component in the testing process of any new generation vaccine against the big three” http://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC1351920/
Deworming done followed u by vaccination:
" ...provision of life-saving interventions such as deworming, vitamin A supplementation, distribution of mosquito nets, growth monitoring and cancer screening. Also undertaken were ‘catch up’ vaccination activities against diseases such as polio, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, neonatal tetanus, influenza, yellow fever, rotavirus, bacterial pneumonia.” http://www.afro. who.int/pt/centro-media/ afrofeature/item/6519- countries-wrap-up-african- vaccination-week-activities. html
Gates Foundation into it...
"Armed with the dose pole, low-cost drugs, and implementation plans developed by both the ministries of education and health in several African countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation began in 2002 to implement deworming programs in sub-Saharan Africa (31). Organized by the Imperial College in London, successful intervention programs were developed in several African countries which ultimately delivered more than 44 million treatments by 2008 (32).
These population-based interventions were studied closely for their impact on children (32). Periodic application of these drugs resulted in marked decreases in the prevalence and particularly the intensity of parasitic infection. More importantly, at 3-year follow-up, the prevalence of anemia was reduced to almost half and the children's hemoglobin levels increased by more than 1 gram per deciliter over 4 years (33). This work during the first decade of the millennium proved that it was logistically and economically feasible to deworm large numbers of at-risk persons, especially growing school-aged children, and that such periodic treatment would have a positive impact on their health. In addition, such an intervention would compare favorably with other international health interventions such as universal childhood immunizations and insecticide-impregnated bed nets for malaria.” http://www.ncbi.nlm. nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC3715900/
So: Deworm them first, then vaccinate them with vaccines containing sterilizing agents
Oh and don’t forget Vitamin A!
Vitamin A supplementation has been part of DOH campaigns in the past. Maybe none of us ever asked why Vitamin A in particular and not the many other vitamins?
"Vitamin A deficiency impairs vaccine-elicited gastrointestinal immunity.
Vitamin A deficiency is highly prevalent in much of the developing world, where vaccination programs are of paramount importance to public health. However, the impact of vitamin A deficiency on the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of vaccines has not been defined previously. In this article, we show that the vitamin A metabolite retinoic acid is critical for trafficking of vaccine-elicited T lymphocytes to the gastrointestinal mucosa and for vaccine protective efficacy in mice. Moderate vitamin A deficiency abrogated Ag-specific T lymphocyte trafficking to the gastrointestinal tract, gastrointestinal cellular immune responses, and protection against a mucosal challenge following immunization with a recombinant adenovirus vaccine vector. Oral vitamin A supplementation as well as retinoic acid administration fully restored the mucosal immune responses and vaccine protective efficacy. These data suggest that oral vitamin A supplementation may be important for optimizing the success of vaccines against HIV-1 and other mucosal pathogens in the developing world, highlighting a critical relationship between host nutritional status and vaccine efficacy." http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21765014
The GOLDEN RICE being developed by the esteemed International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) seem to be a pet project of Bill Gates
Bill Gates Secretly visits Rice Institure for 6 hours
http://technology.inquirer.net/41627/bill-gates-secretly-visits-rice-institute-for-6-hrsWhat's in "Golden Rice"anyway?
What else, but Beta Carotene or Vitamin A.
Feed 3rd World Populations with Vitamin A-infused Golden Rice and help make your sterilization-causing vaccines work effectively. (If I were Mr. Gates, I'd be eager too for the finishing of my "specially fabricated tool" (Golden Rice) to make my vaccines work.
Interesting videos:
Bill Gates admits: Vaccination to reduce population https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=pjj4Iq- rsNg&app=desktop
Bill Gates Surprised by Eugenics Question https://www. youtube.com/watch?v= coHf5UEFUl8&app=desktop
Is it happening here already?
This year, DOH conducted deworming twice (January and early August). Curiously, a Tetanus plus more "lifetime" immunization campaign follows after the second deworming---it happen within August 2015. This is consistent with "Deworm-first-before- vaccinate." Wow! "Lifetime is like "UNLI, isn't it?" The TV coimmercial enjoins parents to sign the consent form.
"The Department of Health (DOH) will roll out a school-based immunization program in August to give students "lifetime immunity" against tetanus. "http://www.rappler. com/nation/90652-doh-students- tetanus-shots-lifetime- immunity
Deliberately causing the sterilization of others without their knowledge and consent is a crime!
"What is downright immoral and evil is that the tetanus laced with HCG was given as a fertility regulating vaccine without disclosing its ‘contraceptive effect’ to the girls and the mothers. As far as they were concerned, they had gone for an innocent injection to prevent neonatal tetanus!" Catholic Doctors Speak: Tetanus Vaccination Is All About Population control. http://www.matercare. org/news-publications/medical- news/catholic-doctors-speak- tetanus-vaccination-campaign- is-all-about-population- control/
Are we helpless? What we can do?
Some ideas (you might have more and better ones):
1. Study this some more. 85% of searching for and gathering these info. were done by one non-research person and on a Tablet in less than 2 weeks (and with broken reading glasses:). Imagine if more (a team, with experts) can put their heads together and examine the matter. And if the suspicions can be found to be true and have basis to demand for redress, then we should.
2. Make noise!
Tell the world, tell the anti-life groups we know what they are up to. If we make noise and are able to get the public's attention, demand for DOH to have FDA approval of all vaccines prior to use will be mandatory as the public is now aware.
If the Deworming-Sterilization link does have basis and has not yet been realized by other interested parties (prolife groups in other countries, consumer welfare organizations abroad, church groups and others) maybe this theory will be of help; for vigilance, for monitoring, for further research and investigation by interested groups for for filing criminal cases.
3. Form a coalition of victims against forced sterilization
Has this ever been attempted here in the Philippines? Is this possible?
Why not? there are groups abroad who’ve done it:
- Committee to End Sterilisation Abuse (CESA) http://www.uic.edu/
orgs/cwluherstory/CWLUArchive/ cesapurpose.htmlHuman rights groups against forced sterilisation http:// blacktrianglecampaign.org/ 2011/08/28/human-rights- groups-unite-against-forced- sterilisation-eugenics-is- alive-and-well-and-is-rearing- its-ugly-head-in-modern- europe/
- Victims of forced sterilisation to receive compensation from state http://www.newsadvance.
com/news/local/victims-of- forced-sterilization-to- receive-compensation-from- state/article_275e4f96-beef- 11e4-bb88-239473d05cd6.html? mode=jqm - Amnesty urges Peru’s Humala forced sterilisation victimshttps://ca.news.yahoo.
com/amnesty-urges-perus- humala-forced-sterilization- victims-184033495.html
1990’s Tetatus Toxoid Campaign of DOH
Many women of reproductive age were vaccinated. Who among them are now sterile?
Research and statistics will come into the picture here: who among those injected (got married/lived-in or what have you) are unable to bear children or have had spontaneaous abortions? If we gather enough (X number) presently sterile women and the same confirm to have received the Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine of the 90s, then we have a base. We can have a voice - a voice crying for justice for what was done to them without their knowledge and consent and likewise a voice the general public will listen to because of basis:
Deworming is linked to Vaccination
and Vaccination can cause sterility.
Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but instead expose them.
-Ephesians 5:11